Santiago Dominican Republic ILAC Trip, November 2024

November 2024 Santiago Dominican Republic ILAC Trip

On November 3 – 7 at the Institute of Latin American Concerns (ILAC) in the Dominican Republic our hernia team operated upon 67 hernia patients.  Two new surgeons, Dr. Nick Carter and Dr. Andy Yang, along with veterans to ILAC Dr. Michael Sarr and Dr. Bob Cusick operated.  There were several challenging large inguinoscrotal sliding adult hernias and two rare cancers that surgically removed and eventually diagnosed.  All patients did well during the week and in early follow-up.  Dr. Alvaro Torres an ILAC employed physician provided 10 day follow-up and is available for long term follow-up as needed. The Lichtenstein tension free repair is the standardized technique at ILAC.  Good anesthesia and team collaboration were evident throughout the week making the trip a very enjoyable experience.

The ILAC hernia team with DR helping staff