University of Nebraska Surgery on Sunday: Omaha, NE, February 2018
University of Nebraska HRFU Hernia Mission at Bellevue Hospital Omaha 2018
Through the auspices of the University of Nebraska Medical Center with the help of Dr. Sammy Cemaj the team leader, Dr. Zach Bowman and Dr. Vishal Kothari 12 patients, without Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance that were living at or below 200% of the poverty level, were operated upon. Dr. Hans Dethlefs, a family practice physician at the One World clinic, coordinated patient recruitment of from area free clinics and performed all pre-operative history and physicals. The Bellevue staff was most cooperative, as they have been in the past. The surgeons saw the patients pre-operatively in their clinic, confirmed the diagnosis and obtained informed consent.
On February 15th at the Bellevue Medical Center all patients with family members arrived early for admission and then throughout the day surgery was performed in 3 operating rooms. Third year medical students participated and first assisted. All surgery was completed by 3:30 PM and no intra-operative or post-operative complications within 14 days of surgery occurred. Patients will be followed at one year.
The initiative went smoothly and the patients and families were well pleased. Thank yous go to all that were involved and it is hoped that we will repeat this in the fall of this year.